Aperture Exporter is now free. You can get your free license using the "Buy Now" button here. Also, be sure to see our support pages for details on how to use AE. Most of the support requests we receive are answered in those pages.
Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics
If Aperture 3 isn't starting up properly or performing normally, try these basic steps to troubleshoot the situation. Please note that these steps aren't exhaustive and are not intended to cover any specific issue. These are fundamental, basic steps for getting Aperture into good working order, and are the steps most often suggested by AppleCare Technical Support.
Library first aid typically solves most issues experienced by users of Aperture Exporter.
Hold option + command on your keyboard while opening Aperture. This will bring up the Photo Library First Aid dialog. Click Rebuild Database then Rebuild button.