Aperture Exporter is now free.  You can get your free license using the "Buy Now" button here.  Also, be sure to see our support pages for details on how to use AE.  Most of the support requests we receive are answered in those pages.

Aperture Exporter Advanced Options

Advanced options are accessible via the gear icon on the main UI.

1. Create separate files for each version

By default AE saves disk space and time by exporting a single original file even where there are multiple versions derived from it in a single folder. However the metadata picked for the original is from a random version. By selecting this option, a separate original file will be created for each version.

2. Skip Orientation and Places Processing for JPEGs

Aperture has a funny behaviour with respect to exporting JPEG originals. It throws away the actual capture orientation. AE recovers this information and tags the JPEG originals with keywords that represent the capture orientation. There are 8 possible orientation values; 1 through 8. Practically speaking, only 4 of those values are ever used. 1 = Normal landscape 3 = Upside down landscape 6 = Right handed portrait 8 = Left handed portrait For more information about orientation values see this writeup. When AE sees a JPEG whose capture orientation is anything but the Normal landscape value (1), it tags the image with a keyword in the format:

Orientation [#]
These keywords can then be used when the images are imported in to Lightroom to manually set the correct rotation. Unfortunately, determining the capture orientation can slow down the AE export, especially if you have a large number of JPEGs. By selecting the "Skip Orientation Tagging for JPEGs", exports will be faster at the cost of losing the capture orientation.

The Places Processing aspect refers to the steps AE executes when location data has been added to an image in Aperture.  AE takes this data and injects the GPS coordinate data into the JPEG metadata.  An important note with respect to the Places processing is described in JPEG Original Exported By AE Differ From The True Original.

3. Create 16 bit TIFFs with Adjustments

Selecting this option will cause AE to create 16 bit TIFFs with adjustments. When not selected, 8 bit TIFFs will be generated.

4. Create XMP Sidecars for JPEGs

By selecting this option AE will generate XMP sidecar files for JPEG originals. This is useful for those migrating to something other than Adobe Lightroom (which does not read sidecar files for JPEGs). This option also results in quicker exports.

5. Suppress original export when TIFFs/JPEGs generated

An original file for an image will not be exported when AE generates a JPEG and or TIFF with adjustments applied.

6. Filenames

These options manipulate filenames and folder names generated by AE.

  • Baked-in Adjustments Filename Suffix

​When AE generates a JPG or TIFF with adjustments baked in this string will be appended to the filename.  For example: filename_WithAdjustments.jpg

  • Filename Sanitization

AE maintains two lists of filename santization characters which can be modified independently.  Any character in a "replace" list will be replaced with the "with" character.  You can add any characters you wish to replace, even a space character.  For example, by adding a space character to a list and specifying the _ as the "with" character "File Name.jpg" will become "FileName.jpg".

Additionally it is possible to replace characters with no character, effectively deleting the character.  To do so specify the "with" character to be any character that is in the replace list.  Say the replace list is "/\\?%*|\"<>:~".  By specifying the "with" character to by "/" a filename such as "Wierd/File?Name<1>.jpg" will become "WierdFileName1.jpg"

  • Folders For Albums and Smart Albums Prefix

This is the prefix AE will add when it generates a folder for albums or smart albums.  For example: Album_FolderName

7. Keywording/Other

  • Keywording Options

These allows you to turn off AE's keywording of images for various conditions.

  • Skip Project Images That Are In Albums  

This option is obeyed when the "Create Folders for Albums and Smart Albums" feature is enabled.

By selecting this option AE will not place images in a folder for a project if that image is a member of at least one album (including smart albums). This can be useful for people who use albums as their major organizational entity and only use projects as a dumping ground for their images.  This feature disabled by default.