Aperture Exporter is now free.  You can get your free license using the "Buy Now" button here.  Also, be sure to see our support pages for details on how to use AE.  Most of the support requests we receive are answered in those pages.

Aperture Exporter Beta 5 RC4 Now Available

Release Candidate 4 is now available. Special thanks goes out to our beta testers. RC4 includes:

√ Warning when invalid license file detected.
√ Try to detect if Aperture crashed and wait until it’s available again during an export and continue where it left off.
√ Fixes AE interacts with Aperture to handle languages other than english.
√ Continue with export of originals even when TIFFs/JPEGs with baked-in adjustments cannot be created.

Upgrading to RC4 is easy right in Aperture Exporter. Simply use the AE menu item Aperture Exporter, Check for updates....