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The Mystery of Aperture Not Able to Embed Metadata Into Some JPEGs
ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in a wide variety of files. ExifTool supports many different metadata formats including EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3, as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras by Canon, Casio, FLIR, FujiFilm, GE, HP,JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Nintendo, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Phase One, Reconyx, Ricoh, Samsung, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.
ExifTool is also available as a stand-alone Windows executable and a Macintosh OS X package: (Note that these versions contain the executable only, and do not include the HTML documentation or other files of the full distribution above.)
It is freely available from http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/
To use exiftool on one of my managed test libraries I did the following:
- Backed up the library. Don't skip this step. Better safe than sorry.
- Open terminal.app
- Use the following command:
exiftool -overwrite_original -all:all= -tagsfromfile @ -all:all -unsafe -ext jpg -ext JPG -r /path/to/your/ApertureLibrary.aplibrary/Masters
This command line tells exiftool to process all managed JPEG images in your library. It will read the meatadata in a JPEG image, then re-write it, thus regenerating the metadata structure. Note that this does not affect the image itself, so you don't need to worry about loss due to recompression.
If you have referenced images in your library you'll want to run this command on the folder(s) containing your referenced images. Just change the the last path component of the command to point at the folder(s) in question.